Your privacy is important to Stevenage Leisure Ltd (SLL). This statement explains the personal information SLL processes, how it processes and why.

Young people (under 18s) might like to start with Privacy for Young People.  This explains information that might be useful for them.

If you are employed by SLL or are a volunteer and want to know how we use your information then please ask to see SLL’s HR Privacy Policy.

Here is a shorter summary of this policy.

Your privacy is important to us

Your privacy is important. When you use SLL’s products and services, visit our sites, supply us with products or services, we collect and use certain information about you. This information, like your name and email address, is called personal data. We want you to know what personal data we have about you and how we use it. We also want you to know that you have rights over that data.

We protect your data and we will never sell it.  We make sure we comply with data protection laws like the UK General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).

Sometimes we will update this policy to make it clearer or to keep up with changes. Changes might be a new service, a different way of using your personal data or a change in the law. The policy was last updated June 2022.

If you have any questions please speak to a member of staff or contact our Data Protection Officer:

07785 462 593

Data Protection Officer,
Stevenage Leisure Ltd,
Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre,
Lytton Way,

This policy applies to:

  • leisure centre members or users (both past and present).
  • anyone who visits our theatre.
  • anyone who takes part in any other activities or services provided by SLL.
  • anyone who has expressed a strong interest in joining one of our centres or using one of our services.
  • anyone who visits one of our sites.
  • anyone who supplies us with products or services

Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) is a registered charity (no. 1144638), one of the UK’s leading ‘leisure trusts’, and a community-based and focused Non-Profit Distributing Organisation (NPDO). We manage various leisure centres across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Rutland.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. Our number is Z5188017.

Our head office is:

Stevenage Leisure Ltd,
Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre,
Lytton Way,


Which information do we collect?

When you join one of our centres, book an activity or buy theatre tickets
Your name and contact details, bank details (we do not store bank details on our web servers).

We might also collect: date of birth, ethnicity, gender, health and fitness goals, interests, any relevant medical information, emergency contact details, your photograph.

If you book an activity for your child
Child’s name, date of birth, gender, address, medical information, emergency contact details, description of children’s likes, strengths, areas to be developed, dietary requirements & food intolerances , disability/special educational needs, distinguishing marks, ethnicity, injury details, languages spoken, password for collection, safeguarding information. As well as the parent/carer’s name, contact details and bank details.

If you visit our website or book a course or session online
Email address, online account password, IP address.

When you pay by credit card or debit card
Credit card and debit card details. We do not store bank details on our servers.

When you use any of our facilities
Information about when you visited and what you did, health and fitness information. If you have a corporate membership paid by your employer we may share your information about when you visited and what you did with them. We will never share health and fitness related data with them without your consent unless the law says we have too.

If you hire one of our venues of facilities
Your contact information. Your qualifications and DBS information (if relevant).

If you provide us with products or services
Your contact information.

If we provide swimming lessons to your child through their school
Your child’s name and any relevant medical information. Your child’s progress in swimming.

If you opt-in to our Physical Activity Referral Service
Disability and health details.

If you contact us or provide feedback
Your contact information, enquiry and/or feedback (so we can reply if necessary)

If you interact with our social media
Your comments, other personal information you may share with us such as your contact details and your username.

If you express a strong interest in joining one of our centres or using our services and activities
Name, contact details. (If your interest has been in a child’s activity we will also collect your child’s name and date of birth)

When you participate in competitions or sponsor someone:
Your contact details

When you visit any of our facilities
CCTV images (for the prevention, identification and reduction of crime, anti-social behaviour, health and safety of service users, employees and members of the public). For more details of how we record, use and store images on CCTV please ask to see our CCTV Code of Practice.

If you access our CCTV images
Name, telephone number and email address, date of access and time in and out of CCTV display/storage room

If you ask for any of your rights under the DPA 2018 or UK GDPR 2018
Name, contact details, personal information required for ID.

When you become a leisure member or use our services we may ask you for some personal health information.  We do this:

  • To make sure we offer you the right services.
  • So your progress can be tracked (both by us and yourself).
  • So we can recommend the right exercise programmes or other services
  • Or, with your permission, check with your GP that it is safe to exercise.

We keep a copy of your photograph on our membership database so we can check your ID when you enter our centre.  We do not share your photo with anyone else and they are only seen by staff working on reception.


How we get your personal information and why we have it

Most of the personal information we use you give us yourself. We use it for one of the following reasons:

When you join one of our centres or book an activity or buy theatre tickets:
To set up and manage your account, create tailor-made programmes and allow you to track your workout progress. It used to make sure you get the best from our services, provide you with information that may be of interest to you and let you know of any service changes.

To get information from credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies where necessary.

To provide information for our local authority funders (you cannot be identified in these reports).

To send you marketing information if you have opted-in to receive it.

To develop and improve services for your benefit.

Your photograph is used so we can identify you and make sure your membership is not being misused. 

When you and your family use our services
Usage information is used to keep you updated by text, email and/or phone about class cancellations, changes to membership terms, bookings changes or important information about the centre.

If you have given consent, to provide you with information about products and services we think may be of interest to you. You will have the option to opt-in to these when you initially provide information to us or when we collect information from you, and can opt out/update your preferences at any time by contacting any of our centres or by contacting

When children are booked onto our services
Your child’s information is used to set up their membership/activities. Parent/carer details are used to verify and manage this membership/activity on their behalf.  Emergency contact details and medical information is collected so staff can respond to the best of their ability in case of emergency.

If you hire one of our venues or facilities
In order to contact you and to charge you. To make sure you have the right qualifications to run your club or do your activity and to make sure we keep any children and vulnerable people safe.

If you provide us with products or services
In order to contact you and manage our orders.

If we provide swimming lessons to your child through their school
Your child’s name is used to record attendance and progress. Medical information is collected so staff can respond to the best of their ability in case of emergency.

If you opt-in to our Physical Activity Referral Service
To put together a personalised programme for you based on your health and disability needs and to check with your GP that it is safe for you to exercise.

If you express a strong interest in joining one of our centres or using our services and activities
We will contact you to give you more information about the service/activity/membership you have expressed an interest in.

If you visit our website or book a course or session online
To set up and manage your account

If you provide customer feedback
To improve our services. To get in contact with you if you have given us permission, to discuss anything you may have raised.

If you interact with our social media
To evaluate and improve our services. To get in contact with you if you have given us permission to discuss anything you have raised.

If you nominate a member of staff for a WOW Award
To contact you about your nomination. If you have given permission, your name may be used on a certificate, online and in their communications.

When you use or visit our facilities
To ensure the health, safety and security of yourself and others when using our facilities.

To comply with requests from NHS Test and Trace and to get in contact with your emergency contact if needed.

To promote our services we may capture your personal information in photos or films.

When you participate in competitions or sponsor someone
To get in contact with you about the competition or the event.

If the law says we have to share your information
To protect you or your family, or someone working with you.

We have to pass on your personal information to statutory authorities if requested, such as HMRC or NHS Test and Trace.


We may also get information about you from these places

Credit reference agencies and debt collectors
Financial information

Your employer (if you have a corporate account)
Employment start and end dates

Employee awards scheme provider
Contact information, information about why you are nominating a member of staff for a reward

Your GP or other health providers
Health information if you are part our exercise referral scheme.

Fitness apps
Health information, workout information, usage of facilities

Your child’s school
Medical information if relevant if your child is having swimming lessons organised through their school

We might share your information with these companies

Database provider –specialist software to manage accounts
Information needed to set up and run your account: contact details, payment details, emergency contacts, marketing preferences etc.

Credit card payment providers and banks
Credit card and payment details in order to take payments for services

Credit reference agencies and debt collection agencies
Account details and information regarding any outstanding debt

Employers (for corporate memberships)
Usage information (but not health or other personal information without your consent).

Your child’s school if they attend swimming lessons through their school  
Progress made in swimming lessons

If you are part of our exercise referral scheme, the NHS and the health professional who referred you
Contact details, health information you have told us about, your fitness goals and your progress

Health and safety consultants and accident database, our insurers
Details of any accidents you may have had, or have witnessed, that have to be reported by law

Car park management company      
Car registration and/or membership number (depending on the car park)

Organisations that provide SLL with funding          
Reports contain information that cannot identify you.

If you do not want your personal information to be included in this reporting please contact

Organisations that we have to share your information with by law
We will only share information if requested if we have to do so by law

Marketing services    
Contact details if you have given permission for us to do so.

You can opt-out at any time by ‘unsubscribing’ which is included in all our texts and emails to you.

People who ask for personal information under UK GDPR 2018   
We will only share your personal information if we receive a valid request to do so (please see below).


SLL works in partnership with these organisations to provide leisure services 

Bedfordshire East Multi-Academy Trust
Best House, Shefford Rd, Clifton Shefford SG17 5QS

Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ

Knights Templar School
Park St, Baldock SG7 6DZ

North Herts District Council
Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City SG6 3JF

Rutland County Council
Catmose House, Catmose Street, Oakham LE15 6HP

Silsoe Community Trust
72 Newbury Lane, Silsoe, Bedford MK45 4EX

Stevenage Borough Council
Daneshill House, Danestrete, Stevenage SG1 1HN


Children's personal information

Our services are used by people of all ages. Children aged under 16 years must have a parent or guardian’s consent before providing personal information to us. We will not collect any personal information without this consent.


Our legal reasons for using information:

We have to have a lawful reason to use your personal information.  These are:

Contract (between you and SLL)
When you join one of our centres or theatres, or book an activity for yourself or a member of your family we collect and store personal information in order to provide you with services. When you hire one of our venues or facilities we collect and store personal information in order to provide you with service you have requested.

When we order services or products from you we collect and store personal information in order to contact you about your order and to make sure we carry out our contract with you.

When you pay for a membership, other service or purchase by credit card we collect your credit card details in order to process that transaction.

Legitimate Interest
If you are interested in joining one of our centres we will collect your personal information so we can contact you about it.

When you join one of our centres we collect personal information so we can provide you with `information that you might be interested in.

If you have nominated a member of staff for an award we might contact you about it. We also collect personal information to ensure your health and safety when using our facilities and to get in contact with your emergency contact if needed.

When we take photos or film events of large groups of people in order to promote our service we will collect your personal information and share it with our designers and selected promoters (when it would not be practical to obtain written consent from individuals).

When we capture your image on CCTV for prevention and detection of crime, safeguarding staff and visitors and ensuring compliance with health and safety procedures.

We also collect personal information to ensure your health and safety when using our facilities and to get in contact with your emergency contact if needed. If NHS Test and Trace contact us we will share your contact details with them.

We sometimes have to collect information about your ethnicity and other sensitive information in order to provide reports to our local authority or commissioning group. This information is used only for statistical purposes and is always kept secure. You cannot be identified in these reports. If you do not want your personal information to be included please contact

Consent (you have given your permission for SLL to do this)
In order to provide services to you we collect and use sensitive personal information such as health data or body measurements. We will only do this with your explicit consent and we take extra care to ensure this information is kept secure and is only used for the reason for which it was given.

If you give us consent we may contact your GP to check that you can safely exercise based on any health or disability conditions you may have shared with us.

We also collect information when you complete customer surveys, provide feedback and take part in competitions.

If you agree to sponsor someone we may contact you using the details you have given us about your sponsorship.

Legal Obligation (something the law tells us we have to do)
We have to pass on your information if we think you or your family, or someone working with you could come to harm.  We will do this in line with our Safeguarding policy.

If you make a request under the DPA 2018 or UK GDPR 2018 we will use your personal information in order to comply with the law.

We have to provide your personal information if we get a legal request for it –for example from HMRC for tax purposes or NHS Test and Trace.

Automated decision making and profiling
Automated decision making and profiling is a decision made automatically without any human involvement. SLL will only use this when it has to enter into or carry out, a contract with someone. Or when the law allows it.

The only time SLL uses automated decision making is when we decide on which marketing to send out. Our customer management software uses information about when you have attended to decide if you are an active member, a member who is attending less and less often, or a member who no longer attends.


How we store your information

Your information is kept safe on network drives that are regularly backed up, or in paper files that are kept in secure storage.

We only keep your information for as long as we need it. Once we don’t need it any more we will safely and securely get rid of it.


Sending your personal information outside the UK

We may have to send your information to countries outside the UK.  If we do so we will make sure it has the same level of protection that it would have in the UK.



Our website uses cookies to gather information about you. Cookies are pieces of information placed on your computer to allow websites to recognise you when you visit. They collect information about what you do when you visit but do not identify you as an individual.

We use this information to learn about which parts of the website work best and what could be improved.

For further information about cookies, please visit or

You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However in a few cases, some of our website features may not work as a result.


Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to the SLL website, please read each company’s policy when using their website. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third party websites.


Changes of business ownership and control

SLL may, from time to time, expand or reduce the business. If this happens part or all of SLL, may be sold or transferred to another owner.

If we have to, we will transfer your personal information to the new owner.  They will be able to use your information for the same reasons as you originally gave it to us.

We may also share your information with a prospective buyer.

We will always take steps to make sure your privacy is protected.


Your data protection rights 

You have rights over your personal information, including the right to have:

Accurate information used
We will always try to make sure the information we hold about you is accurate.  If you believe the information we hold about you is out of date or wrong please contact our Data Protection Officer

Access to your information
You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information (also called a subject access request).

Your information removed
You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

The use of your information restricted
You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal information for a set length of time in certain circumstances. 

Your information not used for certain reasons
You have the right to stop using your personal information in certain circumstances. 

Your information transferred
You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

For more information about your rights please visit

You do not have to pay for any of these rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

Please speak to a member of staff or contact us if you wish to make a request:

You can call our Data Protection Officer on:

07785 462 593

Or email:

Or write to:

Data Protection Officer,
Stevenage Leisure Ltd,
Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre,
Lytton Way,


How to complain

If you have a concern or complaint about how we handle your information contact us.

You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner if we can’t sort out your complaint.

The Information Commissioner’s Office contact details:

Report a concern online at

Call 0303 123 1113

Or write to:

Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF

This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments to relevant legislation.