We have listened to the needs and concerns of employees which has enabled us to put together a comprehensive healthy lifestyles package to help to inspire healthier choices though education, health tests, activities and fun!

Our healthy lifestyles package encourages employees to try a healthier lifestyle. Your package can be tailored around your workplace needs, we can come to your offices or host you at one of our centres. The day can include fun activities from bubble football to tai chi or dance classes to yoga. As well as this, we offer presentations which discuss the key issues for optimal health in the workplace in our everyday lives. We also give health tests through blood pressure checks and body composition scans; showing what's going on inside your body.

Benefits to the employer

Benefit to Employers include increased productivity, decreased rates of absenteeism and improved staff retention. The benefits of improving the workplace health are significant and wide-ranging, investing in workplace health makes good business sense. Evidence gathered by the British Heart Foundation has shown:

  • The return on investment for some workplace health initiatives can range from £2 to £34 for every £1 spent. 
  • The median cost of sickness absence per UK employee in 2013 was £595, and the indirect and hidden costs of sickness can make up around nine percent of an employer’s annual costs.
  • Reduced sickness absence was evident in 82 percent of workplace health programmes.

Benefits to the employee

The benefits to employees include improved physical and mental health, decrease in sick leave, reduced stress, reduced back pain and increased motivation.

The Bronze Package
The bronze package includes pre-booked body scan appointments to check BMI, body fat levels, hydration, bone density, hidden obesity, metabolic age etc. Blood pressure tests included. A full explanation of results including lifestyle guidance to help improve any problem areas highlighted during the scan. Signposting to other services to help with issues such as smoking cessation, weight management, exercise on referral, physical activity and mental health problems.

The Silver Package
The silver package includes a lifestyle presentation and Q&A to finish the session on key areas; Blood Pressure, Back Care, Importance of being active, Coping with stress, Stress or Healthy Eating. The package also includes body scans and blood tests.

The Gold Package
The gold package includes a presentation to start the session on one of the following key areas; Blood Pressure, Healthy Eating Made Easy, Back Care, The Importance of being Active, Dealing with stress or Heart Health. It also includes 20 Minute body scan appointments with  full explanations of results and signposting. The day finishes with a group activity session.

Healthy Lifestyles packages can be mixed to suit your organisation’s needs; half a day or a full day.
For more information about SLL’s healthy lifestyles packages, please contact Juanita Prescott, Corporate Health and Wellbeing Manager by email; juanita.prescott@sll.co.uk