What was the reason you were referred to the Exercise Referral Scheme?
I was morbidly obese, had absolutely no strength in any of my muscles and was exhausted when walking (plodding really) around the supermarket, always sitting down at the end of the shop whilst my husband put everything through the checkout and packed.  I had difficulty driving, not just because my stomach rubbed painfully on the steering wheel but also I found my legs were dangerously tired after 15 to 20 minutes!  I also had pain in my hips when getting into and out of the car whether on the passenger side or the driver's side.

How do you think it has helped you?
I have found my strength and stamina has increased dramatically and am no longer exhausted walking round the supermarket.  In fact we now shop in a supermarket that is double the size and who's car park is four times bigger - always choosing to park the furthest away from the entrance to give myself more exercise.  I also have no problem putting everything through the checkout and packing then turning into Speedy Gonzales to get my trolley back to the car.  I no longer have any pain getting in or out of the car as my hips strength has improved dramatically since joining the gym.  My belly no longer presses painfully into the steering wheel as it appears to have shrunk a little - still working on that one alas!!!  Stamina in the legs has improved a lot and I could, if I needed to, drive quite safely for nearly three hours.  I'm also finding it easier to climb onto the Power Plate which is quite high to get onto and which I struggled to haul myself up onto when I first tried it over 18 months ago.

What do you do while you are here?
Well, apart from having a good gossip with all the new friends I have made (including the lovely trainers), I generally have a short warm-up on the treadmill followed by exercises on the Multi-Hip, Chest Press, Low Row, Leg Press and sometimes the Power Plate (or Wobble Machine as I like to call it!!!).

Would you recommend it?
Absolutely!  This is one of the best things I've done in some years.  I feel truly rejuvenated both mentally as well as physically, made a number of friends and always feel most welcome by all the trainers and other staff at the gym.  Hannah and Olly have both been true inspirations and very helpful too.

Do you have a medical condition and want to be more active but not sure what you can do?

The Exercise Referral Scheme takes your medical condition, ability & fitness level into account. Working under the guidance of highly qualified fitness professionals in a safe, effective, supervised environment, we will find an activity suitable for you.



  • Asthma
  • C.O.P.D
  • Diabetes
  • fibromyalgia
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Mental Health Problems
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Skeletal Problems
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteo/ Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Stroke

Exercise on offer

  • Anti-Gravity Treadmill
  • Badminton
  • Belly Dancing
  • Cancer Rehab
  • Cardiac Rehab
  • Chair Based Exercise
  • Exercise to Music
  • FES Bike
  • Gym Sessions
  • Line Dancing
  • Pilates
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Yoga
  • Tap Dancing
  • Available at Selected Centres

Participating Centres

  • Catmose Sports Centre
  • Lifestyles @ Flitwick
  • Hitchin Swimming Centre
  • Lifestyles @ Houghton
  • Lifestyles at Knights
  • North Herts Leisure Centre
  • Royston Leisure Centre
  • Lifestyles at Silsoe
  • Lifestyles at Pendleton
  • Stevenage Lifestyles
  • Lifestyles @ Sandy
  • Stevenage Swimming Centre
  • Lifestyles @ Tiddenfoot