AquaEd FAQs

Why should my child learn to swim?
Swimming unlike other extra curricula activities is a life skill. It could save your child’s life as well as help to keep them fit.

Drowning is still one of the most common causes of accidental death in children, so being able to swim is an essential life-saving skill.

Swimming also keeps your child’s heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture.


Why are the children playing games in the lesson?
The easiest way for a child to acquire the skills needed to be a confident swimmer is through fun and games. Games are an ideal way for children to develop their jigsaw of skills and may even lead to them learning how to combine one skill with another, without even realising.


What age should my child start swimming?
The earlier the better. Classes are tailored to suit the needs of the participants. Adult and Child classes are taught through play but Adult classes are taught to suit the individual participants.


Should my child wear a nappy?
Many swimming nappies have a double layer, so do not worry or feel embarrassed, it is perfectly normal for children who are not fully toilet trained to need to use nappies when they go swimming.

If your child is toilet trained, do not hesitate to leave the class if your child needs the toilet. Your teacher will be very experienced in dealing with children of this age and will not be concerned.


When is my child safe in the water?
There is a myth that once a child can swim 1 length of the pool that makes them a swimmer. This is not the case. The Government included targets on schools for children at Key stage 2 to be able to complete a 25m swim plus treading water and an understanding of the dangers around water. The longer your child attends swimming lessons the more confident and safe they will be come around water. We would suggest that as long as your child is enjoying their swimming lesson they should continue and enjoy the benefits of exercise and increased competency.

It is recommended that children should complete up to Learn to Swim Stage 7 of the Swim England Learn to Swim Programme to enable them to be competent and confident swimmers.


How long will it take my child to learn to swim?
There is no defined timescale for learning to swim. Each child will learn the skills at a different pace.


How can I monitor my child’s progress?
We use a programme called Course pro which is an online system. Once you have activated an account you can log on and see your child’s progress against the set syllabus for their level. To login to your account follow the link


Why do the children wear swimming hats?
The hats are coloured coded according to the level of their class. It gives teachers an immediate identification of the children they are teaching and allows lifeguards to ensure the safety of the swimmers. We often find that Children strive to achieve the next colour hat, and therefore it can be utilised as a motivational tool.


When can I bring my child swimming outside of the lessons?
The AquaEd members are entitled to subsidised swimming during any public session as part of your AquaEd membership. We would encourage you to bring your child swimming to practise their skills as this will aid their learning. Normal admission rules apply (under 8 years of age must be accompanied by an adult).


If my child has been unwell, how long do they have to stay away from swimming?
For stomach upsets we recommend they do not attend lessons for 48 hours. Chicken pox and skin conditions should be healed over with no new sores.


My child is a competent swimmer and wants to leave the swimming lessons; are there any other classes they can attend?
All the sites offer additional classes ranging from Mini polo, Rookie, Lifesaving, Diving and Challenge classes. Ask at reception for further information.


How far in advance should my child eat food before the lessons?
We suggest no later than 30 minutes before your child’s lesson.


Can my child wear goggles during their lesson?
There will be times when the Instructor may ask the children to perform a skill without goggles but at other times we are happy to allow goggles.


Can children wear shorts to the swimming lesson?
We prefer children to wear tighter fitting swim wear as shorts drag them down and may interfere with their learning. Please ask at Reception for our range of Jammers or hip racers.


Can I freeze my membership during the summer?
You can freeze your membership on medical grounds provided we receive supporting documentation.


If my lesson is cancelled will I receive a refund?
Your next available direct debit will be amended to reflect the cancelled class.


Can I join in the lesson with my child while they settle?
We do not encourage parents to join the lesson as we find it distracting to the other children and often children rely on their parents thus delaying the separation to a later date.

Things to take to your swimming lessons:

Swimwear - This may be a swimming costume, trunks or Jammers. It is advisable when learning to swim to make sure swimwear is as close fitting as possible.

Nappy - Swim nappies for children starting with Adult and Child lessons (many pools sell these at reception.

Membership card - This is issued when you join the AquaEd swimming lessons and should be brought to each lesson. It will enable you a fast entry access.

Towel and robe - A towel is essential for drying off after your swim, but if you are nervous about walking around the poolside in your swimwear, it is a good idea to bring a toweling robe to cover up and keep warm.

Swimming cap - Swimming caps are mandatory for all participants in the AquaEd Swimming lessons.

Goggles - Although not essential, wearing swimming goggles is permitted.

Toiletries - The chlorine and other chemicals used in the swimming pool can leave skin and hair a bit dry, so make sure you remember your shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, moisturiser and any other toiletries you may need.

Flip flops or poolside shoes - You may not consider it one of the things to take to your first  swimming lesson but if you don’t fancy going barefoot, or have concerns about slipping on poolside, pack some flip flops for your walk from the changing rooms to the pool.

Locker coins - Some pools allow you to bring your bag on to the poolside, but at others there are lockers which usually require coins.

Water bottle - When learning to swim it’s important to keep hydrated particularly in the higher levels of the AquaEd programme. A water bottle containing water is a good way of keeping hydrated.


Snack for after the lesson - Pack a small snack such as a banana for straight after your swim. This will help to replace energy burnt during the lesson.

Lessons Available at

  • Flitwick Leisure Centre
  • Hitchin Swimming Centre
  • Houghton Regis Leisure Centre
  • North Herts Leisure Centre
  • Royston Leisure Centre
  • Saxon Pool & Leisure Centre
  • Stevenage Swimming Centre
  • Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre
  • The Dunstable Centre

Type of Sessions Available

  • Adult Swimming Lessons
  • Adult & Baby/Child
  • Rookie Lifeguard
  • Mini Polo
  • Diving
  • AquaEd Crash Courses
  • AquaEd School Swimming
  • Distance Awards
  • Sessions available at selected centres

Reasons to join

  • Runs for 50 weeks a year
  • Monthly direct debit payments
  • Fun, engaging and professional teaching
  • Awards at each stage
  • Home Portal facility to manage progress
  • Subsidised swimming outside of lessons